Archive | July, 2008

Fashion plates

18 Jul

Do you Polyvore? It’s less dirty than it sounds. It’s actually one of the Greatest Inventions of the 21st Century. You can keep your Myspaces, your Facebooks. I’ll sit here and play virtual paper dolls all day. Just open a free account and select from thousands of dresses, tops, shoes, bags, accessories, pants, jackets, jeans and more to put together perfect outfits. You can also view other people’s creations, mark them as favorites and comment on them. It’s a clotheshorse’s dream — shopping for free! And it’s very addictive. The “set” I made above seems to be my most popular, but I really couldn’t pick a favorite of my own — I love them all!

Oh, and to see my sets, go to

I think I’ve eaten my weight in these

17 Jul


I go through food phases like I go through everything-else phases. I go through a period where I’ll crave a certain thing, then I’ll be so sick of it I never want to touch it again.

Sadly, the same has happened with these frosty treats. At first lick, they had kind of a strange taste, just like when your mom would buy Wyler’s packets instead of Kool-Aid because it was like 3 cents cheaper. And these are also made by Wyler’s. Coincidence? But the more I ate them, the more I liked them, especially the tangy raspberry and oddly refreshing kiwi-watermelon. Lemon was my third favorite and I still have a ton of orange creams in the freezer because, on my taste meter they’re simply, “Ehh.”

But my love affair with the pops seems to be ending. Oh sure, they’re up for a whirl when I come home after a 90-degree humidity fest and want something cold. But their taste is starting to sweetly sicken me. And like the Philly Swirl ices I consumed by the truckload before them, they’re probably on their way to freezer-burn hell, never to touch my lips again.

Wyler’s Italian Ices, I will remember you….

ETA: I went back to put in a link for these things and just saw that they have Icee Slush Bars??!!!?!

And the cycle will continue. 🙂

The eight debate

17 Jul


Question: When watching “Jon and Kate Plus Eight,” is there a NEED for a commercial about birth control? Isn’t the show itself all the birth control you need??!!

But seriously, those are some cute kids, and it’s a cute show.

As I do with most shows I get obsessed with, I found a lot of info on this one. Long story short: They got a lot of haters. There was some drama at the Television Without Pity message board and the thread had to be closed down, permanently, never to be restarted, and apparently someone in their family has their own blog talking about how horrible J & K are.

I’d rather just stay out of the drama on this one. If J & K want to document their lives (like they did even before they had a show), just let them. People are going to be curious about their kids, so why not let a crew film them so the memories (good and bad) last forever?

If you’re against what they’re doing, then hey, guess what? You’re free to turn off the TV. But let people who want to watch, watch.

Edited to add: I found another message board for “fans of reality TV” that shut down their J&K+8 thread. Sad.