Tag Archives: John McCain

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day

5 Nov

I’m a registered Democrat, but I have to admit that I was unsure about Obama. To me he seemed too slick, too promises-made-but-not-kept. I had been pulling for other candidates in the primaries, but he decimated them all. I thought he had experts pulling the strings in his campaign, but no real substance from him. I even thought the community organizing he did was all for show, to lead up to his presidency.

But something I saw on Election Night made me think. It was a logo in someone’s signature on a message board and it read: “Nobama. Keep the change.”

Wait a second–was this person saying that we don’t need change? That the past eight years have been so wonderful that we need to keep this up for the next four years or more?

Then I figured it out: That’s exactly why tens of millions of people voted for Obama. I never thought McCain was a viable candidate anyway, especially not after his pandering pick of Palin.

But the bottom line was simple: We can’t handle four more years of Bush. People have been counting down his departure for eight years, and they were not going to elect his clone.

I don’t hate McCain. I think he and his campaign people made a lot of missteps, and they just generally didn’t seem very well organized. But I don’t hate Obama, either, and when I put his election in the proper context, it makes a lot of sense. I wish him luck, and it will be interesting to see how the next four years unfold.