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Christmas rapping

7 Dec

Every year I think, “It’s Christmastime already?? Wasn’t it just Christmastime last year? It doesn’t feel like Christmas this year. Seems like we just had it.”

And on and on.

I guess in the past I failed to realize that it wasn’t Christmastime that was changing. It was me.

There have been so many small but important changes in my life this past year. I reunited with some great old friends, went on two trips (much better than my usual yearly average of no trips), saw New York City for the first time (and rode a subway, train, cab and in a car with a crazy driver [long story]), got my apartment cleaning and organizing under control, started working out with (some) regularity, hosted Thanksgiving for the first time, attended two lovely weddings,  bonded with my dad and my fiance’s mom (and my fiance himself), learned to deal with my work and fell in love with movies (“Wendy and Lucy,” “Sherrybaby”), TV shows (“Weeds”), Groupon and pumpkin pie.

So this year, I’m seeing Christmas in a different light but I know it’s  reflecting a new way of viewing the world. One that’s not so stagnant; one that makes me look forward to new opportunities and experiences — like a trip to Disneyland I’m planning next year.

I hope you’ve had a great 2010 and wish you a wonderful 2011!